Arta Bažovska Edgars Dimitrijevs 2019


Līdzīgas prezentācijas
      Sensoro spēju attīstīšana matemātisko pamatpriekšstatu veidošana, matemātika - integrētā pieeja  Konsultācija  Rīgas pirmsskolas izglītības.

Skolas simbolika 10.a klases projekts 2011./2012. m.g.
Lasīšanas prasmju pilnveide
“Rītausmas reidi”.
Eiropas Sociālā fonda projekts „Inovatīva un praksē balstīta pedagogu izglītības ieguve un mentoru profesionālā pilnveide” Vienošanās Nr.2010/0096/1DP/ /09/IPIA/VIAA/001.
Aktualitātes bērnu tiesību aizsardzības jautājumos
Demonstrējumi dārzkopībā g.
Prezentācijas transkripts:

Arta Bažovska Edgars Dimitrijevs 2019 Challenges and opportunities for sustainable management of potentially polluted and polluted sites Arta Bažovska Edgars Dimitrijevs 2019

Cooperation based management – management strategy

The Strategy includes - Strategy - Target audience for the document are municipalities, land owners, society  The purose of Strategy -  give recommendations and ‘road map’ to land owners on managing historically polluted site The Strategy includes - Summary of laws and legislation Overview of pollution detection methods Pollution life cycle in the environment Principles of contamination spread Possible action scenarios Site remediation methods and possibilities Recomendations on site managing and cooperation models Multiple casestudies

Pollution life cycle in the environment and associated risks What is environmental pollution? Soil, water, groundwater pollution Pollutio types dominating in Latvia - pesticides, fertilizers, oil products, heavy metals

The most common sources of pollution Urban Industrial Agricultural Residential

Nitrogen life cycle and environmental pollution cirulation

How to recognise pollution?

Management of polluted sites Recognition and assessment Preliminary site assessment Detailed site assessment Site assessment for remediation ... to take action or not? Register of contaminated and potentially contaminated sites – three categories Potentional sources of finance

Communication with society Defining internal responisbility scheme Public communication and involving of residents Important: People are not fundamentally against change, they are against to forced change Arguments - health effects, increasing value of property, elimination of limited use of property Elimination of property owners fear (of sanctions, limitations, etc.)

Recommendations Key action points for municipalities 1. Apzināt visas piesārņotās un potenciāli piesārņotās vietas pašvaldībā. Arī tās, kuras, iespējams, nav vēl iekļautas valsts PPPV reģistrā 2. Veikt vismaz pamata situācijas izvērtējumu, PPPV vietas apsekojot, izpētot pieejamo informāciju un, ja iespējams, noņemot paraugus piesārņojuma koncentrācijas noteikšanai 3. Nepieciešamības gadījumā iespējamā piesārņojuma izpētei izmantot profesionāla uzņēmuma pakalpojumus 4. Sanācijas nepieciešamības gadījumā izvērtēt iespējas un lietderību pielietot mazintensīvākas, taču ilgtspējīgākas attīrīšanas metodes 5. Deleģēt vai sagatavot cilvēku pašvaldībā, kas ir kompetents veikt vismaz sākotnējo, pamata piesārņojuma klātesamības izvērtējumu, izpētot pieejamo informāciju, veicot apsekojumu 6. Piedāvāt vismaz konsultatīvu palīdzību situācijas izvērtēšanai tiem iedzīvotājiem, kuru īpašumā ir PPPV 7. Sadarboties un izmantot Reģionālās vides pārvaldes ekspertu konsultācijas gan sākotnējā izvērtējuma veikšanā, gan izvēloties piemērotāko attīrīšanas metodi 8. Nemitīgi sekot līdzi jauna piesārņojuma rašanās iespējai, kad tiek veiktas kādas izmaiņas saimnieciskajās darbībās pašvaldībā

Key action points for private owners, busineses 1. Veikt vismaz pamata situācijas izvērtējumu, PPPV vietas apsekojot, izpētot pieejamo informāciju un, ja iespējams, noņemot paraugus piesārņojuma koncentrācijas noteikšanai 2. Vērsties pie pašvaldības un/vai Reģionālās vides pārvaldes ar lūgumu palīdzēt izvērtēt situāciju 3. Nepieciešamības gadījumā iespējamā piesārņojuma izpētei izmantot profesionāla uzņēmuma pakalpojumus 4. Sanācijas nepieciešamības gadījumā izvērtēt iespējas un lietderību pielietot mazintensīvākas, taču ilgtspējīgākas attīrīšanas metodes 5. Informēt kaimiņus par iespējama piesārņojuma klātbūtni un ar to saistītiem riskiem 6. Gan veicot sākotnēju izpēti, gan plānojot atveseļošanas aktivitātes, komunicēt par to gan ar pašvaldību, gan Reģionālo vides pārvaldi 7. Uzsākot jaunu saimniecisku darbību vai veicot izmaiņas esošajā, sekot līdzi jauna piesārņojuma rašanās iespējai

Innovative sustainable site remediation methods

Assessment and investigation of pollution Sufficient good quality data is the key to successful management of the environment and contaminated sites !!! Site investigation stages and their role in the management of contaminated sites Preliminary site investigation Detailed site investigation Site assessment for remediation (can be combined with detailed site investigation)

Site investigation methods ‘Traditional’ methods: Limited amount of data Site investigation process is stagnant Possibility to data manipulation and mistakes Lots of dangerous waste during drilling Modern methods: Significant amount of data, registered by devices No subjective manipulations «on-line» process, that allows to change rapidly and adapt investigation plans to actual situation

Conceptual comparison of investigation methods Investigation action .. ‘drilling and sampling’ ..using LIF as a tool drilling (5m depth) 20 points 6-8 points Monitorig wells 6-8 Soil sampling 200 samples 6-10 samples Groundwater sampling LIF points - Investigation results 200 data points of soil pollution 6–8 data points of GWpollution 5000 - 6250 data points of soil pollution 6–8 data points of GW pollution

Site investigation methods ‘Traditional’ methods : Modern methods:

Site investigation methods Sample of using modern methods in site pollution investigation: Site investigation using LIF as a method

Site investigation results, using LIF

Most common challenges in site investigation Law and methods Likums par piesārņojumu MK noteikumi Nr. 804 MK noteikumi Nr. 118 MK noteikumi Nr. 158 MK noteikumi Nr. 92 MK noteikumi Nr. 1032 MK noteikumi Nr. 409 MK noteikumi Nr. 696 Komersantam izsniegtās zemes dzīļu izmantošanas licences nosacījumi

Most common challenges in site investigation Law and methods in Latvia Unclear and interpretable definitions (application varies even between regional departaments of one organisation) No guidelines on the scope, methods and quality of the research – difficulties to control the quality of service providers No methodical requirement to divide the site assessment into stages - preliminary, detailed, pre-remediation. The result – remediation methods and volumes are determined from preiminary investigation reports Limit values are the same for all type of land-use. No risk assessment requirements

Most common challenges in site investigation Law and methods in Lithuania Reglament No. 1-104 «DĖL EKOGEOLOGINIŲ TYRIMŲ REGLAMENTO PATVIRTINIMO» rules defines that: Site investigationshould be divided into stages: recognition, preliminary and detailed investigation No need to submit work programm before investigation Preliminary site investigation: small amount of boreholes and samples, but wide spectre of parameters analysed Detailed investigation needed if pollution is detected in stage I – lots of samples and boreholes, but only components that exceeds limit are analysed Results of site investigation are reviewed and accepted by Lithuanian Geological Survey

Most common challenges in site investigation Law and methods in Lithuania «DĖL EKOGEOLOGINIŲ TYRIMŲ REGLAMENTO PATVIRTINIMO» «Preliminarusis Ekogeologinis Tyrimas» Amount of investigation ‘blocks’ Amount of Soil and GW samples Teritorijos plotas (ha)   Blokų skaičius <0,025 1 0,025–0,25 2  0,25–1 3 1–2 4 2–4 6 4–6 8 >6 Plotas, ha + 2 Potencialaus taršos židinio plotas, (ha) Dirvožemio, grunto bandinių kiekis Požeminio vandens bandinių kiekis <0,05 2 1 0,05–0,2 3 0,2–0,5 4 0,5–1 5 1–2 6 2–3 7 3–4 8 4–5 9 5–6 10

Most common challenges in site investigation Law and methods in Lithuania «DĖL EKOGEOLOGINIŲ TYRIMŲ REGLAMENTO PATVIRTINIMO» «Detalusis Ekogeologinis Tyrimas» A detailed geo-ecological survey shall be conducted if contamination is detected during the preliminary survey. At this stage, the amount of contaminated soil, soil and water, the maximum and mean concentrations, the possible sources and causes of contamination, and the effects of contamination on receptors are assessed. Samples are taken and analysed only on those parameters that are above the limits. Results of site investigation are reviewed and accepted by Lithuanian Geological Survey There are additional law for sites that are polluted with oil products

Remediation methods As in other industries, pollution is now moving towards sustainability. The essential aspects of reducing energy consumption, conserving natural resources, avoiding waste, reusing materials, reusing degraded sites are taken into account Thus, in-situ methods are often considered to be more sustainable methods

Remediation in compliance with the «Waste Framework Directive» Waste Framework Directive defines waste management options according to their environmental impact The primary task is not to generate waste at all owever, if the waste (including hazardous as contaminated soil) is generated, the priority is to prepare it for reuse (eg solidification), followed by recycling, recovery, and only as a last resort to landfill.

Remediation methods In-SITU Phytoremediation Bioremediation Chemical oxidation (ISCO) Pump and treat Vacuum extraction (bioventing, multiphase extraction, dual phase extraction) Electrokinetic remediation Controlled natural attenuation Solidification/stabilisation, Permeable reactive barriers Ex-SITU Dig and dump (or treat)

Phytoremediation Avots:


Pump and treat

Vacuum extraction

Chemical oxidation Chemical oxidation is a remediation method used to treat ground and/or groundwater by introducing chemical oxidants (ozone, peroxide, permanganate, persulphate, etc.) into the soil or groundwater. It can be used to eliminate organic compounds, including those that are naturally degraded very slowly. The main advantages are that the remediation process is intensive, fast and applicable in different site conditions

Solidification/stabilisation, Permeable reactive barriers Solidification/stabilisation is a remediation technology based on the physico-chemical reaction between the pollutant and the soil, linking them to make the pollution inert.

Solidification/stabilisation, Permeable reactive barriers Advantages: Low costs No need to transport large quantities of hazardous substances (particularly relevant in urban environments) Remediation can be done simultaneously with construction The stabilized material can be used as a backfill for parking lots or under building foundations, and it is completely safe

Solidification/stabilisation, Permeable reactive barriers Method application possibilities Remediation of contaminated sediments (TBT, heavy metals, PAHs, Oil, etc.) in urban, industrial and port areas Conversion of contaminated sediments with low load-bearing capacity into environmentally friendly materials for foundation of various structures (parking lots, etc.)

Solidification/stabilisation, Permeable reactive barriers Samples: Remediation of polluted sediments, Sunderland, UK Amount of stabilized sediments: 30 000 tons Duration of the remediation is similar to dig and dump approach Pollutants to treat: Hydrocarbons, heavy metals, asbestos fibers ~ 2.9 million euros were saved, compared to the disposal of material at the landfill Historically polluted harbour, UK Polluted area – 9.3 ha Amount of stabilized sediments: 5 000m3. Pollutants to treat: Oil, PAH, Heavy metals, tributyltin Biological methods and material transport to landfill were considered too expensive alternatives to the stabilization method

Thank you!